Latest Poll - highest ever support for Kiwi Head of State

The campaign for a New Zealand Head of State is working. Our annual poll was conducted between April 6 and April 21 and shows 47% of Kiwis want our next Head of State to be a New Zealander. This is a rise of 3% since June 2014.

This is great news for our campaign with the poll showing a corresponding decrease in support for the British Monarch to 46%. This is the highest ever result in our annual poll and the first time we have measured higher support than the Monarchy. Undecided voters remained at 7%.

Our polling shows that royal visits and events have no discernable long term effect on the campaign. There is a lot of hype for a while and the news media is filled with lifestyle stories and celebrity news but the core issue, having an effective and democratically selected Head of State, does not go away.

The campaign remains focused on the goal of achieving a Kiwi Head of State and a New Zealand republic. It is not deterred or discouraged by the theatricalities of Royalty. New Zealanders will be convinced when they see  a clear and well thought out alternative. That is what we are giving them.

The same poll taken in April and June 2014 showed our support remaining strong on 44%. Based on polls taken during the Charles visit in 2012 we predicted the bump in support for the British monarch would not last. In April support for the monarch to be 'King of New Zealand' was at 46% with undecideds/don't know at 10%. It rose to 49% following the visit of William and Kate but has subsided again to 46%.

The next two weeks will see huge amounts of publicity about royal babies and the visit of Prince Harry. Two people who will never be our Head of State. It will also be a time for New Zealanders to question the relevance of relying on the royal family to supply us with a head of state when quite clearly we are quite capable of selecting a New Zealander to do the job.

The campaign for a New Zealand Head of State will carry on pointing out the deficiencies inherent in the current arrangements. It will not stop highlighting the advantages of shifting to the democratic alternative.

The poll of 1000 people was carried out on landlines by Curia Market Research. It has a margin of error of +/- 3.2%. It  was conducted in accordance with the New Zealand Political Polling Code and the Research Association New Zealand Code of Practice.


Pukeahu and Nationhood

The gradual transformation of Pukeahu into a National War Memorial over the last 100 years is an example of how our symbols and traditions change over time in order to remain relevant and contemporary.

Our Head of State, in all but name, His Excellency Lieutenant General The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae, and our Head of Government, The Right Honourable John Key both spoke at the official opening ceremony for Pukeahu, the National War Memorial Park in Wellington.

Each paid tribute to the sacrifices made by so many New Zealanders over the years. Both described Pukeahu as a place of great significance. Sir Jerry Mateparae said of Pukeahu that "more than anywhere else, reminds us how precious peace is to us all".

He asserted that "national commemorations should be a shared experience – standing side by side with compatriots from all walks of life, with people of all ages, ethnicities and beliefs – all drawn together to be in a place of remembrance".

The Prime Minister outlined the gradual changes to the memorial site.  In 1919 the Government agreed to build a National War Memorial in Wellington "so that future governments would not forget the sacrifice that had been made". The Carillon was completed and opened in 1932. The Hall of Memories was added in 1964. 2004 saw the return of The Unknown Soldier. With the opening of Pukeahu National War Memorial Park another dimension was added, "a place imbued with deep significance, which will be meaningful to New Zealanders for many generations to come".

Official titles and names, traditions and ceremonies, laws and conventions, places of worship and remembrance. All are anchor points in an ever changing world. Yet they never stay the same. They slowly evolve over time.

Moving to a democratic Head of State is part of New Zealand's evolving national identity.  Transitioning and updating the role of Governor-General will maintain the traditions and conventions of the past but imbue them with added significance.

A New Zealand Head of State will symbolise a society where New Zealanders of all ages, ethnicities and beliefs stand side by side as citizens and compatriots.

You can read the Governor-General's speech here and the Prime Minister's speech here



An Independent Head of State and the Treaty of Waitangi

An Independent Head of State and the Treaty of Waitangi

So, what happens to the Treaty if we cut ties with the British monarchy and we get rid of the Crown in New Zealand?
The answer is quite straight-forward. The Treaty obligations would remain the same. The Crown’s obligations would continue to be honoured – as they are in substance today – by New Zealand’s executive and government.
As a matter of law, the Crown’s legal obligations generally – and under the Treaty – would pass automatically to the independent nation state entity that succeeds the Crown in New Zealand and the Realm of New Zealand. Prominent monarchists have acknowledged this.  Since the Treaty was signed between Queen Victoria and iwi and hapū 175 years ago, the Treaty obligations have already been transferred many times as different monarchs have taken office and the Crown has evolved.  And, to be 100% clear, it’s also expected that legislation enabling a New Zealand Head of State would specifically refer to the Treaty and confirm that it continues as now.
That’s consistent with our general approach and blueprint for change. Our focus is on promoting a Kiwi Head of State and only making the changes necessary to enable that.  Other constitutional arrangements stay as is, left for other debates and processes to deal with if there is a mood for change. The Treaty does not present a legal or constitutional impediment to change if New Zealanders – Māori and Pākehā – decide it’s time to move to a Kiwi Head of State.
Dean Knight
Constitutional Advisor, New Zealand Republic

Staying clear of celebrity scandals


It makes sense to base a democratically selected Head of State on the office of Governor-General. The infrastructure is in place and the constitional processes and conventions that define the role are there for us to build on.

As a nation we can keep what works about the role and then incrementally improve on any aspects things that do not reflect or benefit contemporary New Zealand. 

One aspect that people like about the role is the simplicity inherent in selecting a worthy New Zealander free from the pretensions and hype of celebrity and fame. The people selected to be Governor-General have all been people who has proven themselves worthy of the honour. Not a single one of them has created a scandal or done anything to lessen the mana of the office.  

In Britain, the role of Head of State is all too often mired in scandal and gossip. The sexual habits, political lobbying and marital ups and downs of the heirs to the throne and their associated family members consistently undermines the integrity of the role.   

It is a disservice to New Zealand for us to be associated with Britian's troubled royal family. We do not need a famous Head of State or a playboy Prince. We have no need for aristocratic scandals and constitutional dilemmas. The role of Head of State here in New Zealand is not about massive wealth and celebrity. It should be about about representing ordinary every day New Zealanders and the way we live together as a nation.

Successive Governors-General have set a dignified example of how the role can be used to enhance the constitution and culture of Aotearoa New Zealand. It is time to make the final transition to having a democratically elected New Zealander as Head of State. 

New Zealand Republic 2015

2014 has been a big year for the movement. A change of name, a new executive and a renewed sense of what it is we need to do to deliver. We are now even more focused on promoting a fair and effective referendum process and a better Head of State for New Zealand.

Our blueprint for change and our proposals for improving the way New Zealand chooses its Head of State are practical, well-thought out solutions to the problems inherent in having an unelected and ineffective Head of State.

New Zealanders deserve better and we intend to deliver a better and fairer way of doing things. If you are not already a member then join us today and help make 2015 even more successful than 2014.

Happy New Year everyone. The year ahead will see us closer to achieving our goals - A Head of State who represents all New Zealanders, a New Zealand republic we can all be proud of.

The out-dated Oath of Allegiance - Our letter to Members of Parliament

We have written to all 121 MPs about the out-dated Oath (or Affirmation) of Allegiance they will be asked to say at today's Commission Opening of Parliament. Here is what we said:

 October 15th 2014                                                           

The Rt. Hon. John Key                                                                                                                         MP for Helensville                                                                                                                           Parliament Buildings                                                                                                                           Private Bag 18041                                                                                                                              WELLINGTON 6160

Dear Prime Minister
Congratulations on being re-elected to Parliament. When you take the Oath of Allegiance at the opening on Monday you will be asked to “bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors”.
Standing Orders now state that if you do not say the oath or affirmation correctly you must withdraw immediately and may not sit or vote in the House until you have done so.
As you repeat the oath please think about how appropriate it is that New Zealanders, elected in New Zealand by the people of New Zealand, are standing up in the House and swearing allegiance to another country’s head of state. 
Repeating an oath that many members do not believe in and do not feel comfortable saying is an obvious problem. The current oath is clearly out of date and it is time for New Zealand to have a better oath and its own head of state.   
The Governor-General already carries out the functions of a head of state so it makes sense to recognise that reality and accord the office the respect it deserves. We have put together some straight-forward plans on how New Zealand can achieve an independent and democratically selected head of state.
I have included an updated copy of our plans for you to read. Please talk to MPs on all sides of the House about how these changes can be enacted and how you can work together to ensure New Zealand has the best possible head of state. 
Please raise this issue in the House when you next speak. A New Zealand head of state is an inevitable step in New Zealand’s long journey to full independence. It aims to achieve what is best for all New Zealanders.
It will take time to make these changes so best to start sooner rather than later.  
Yours sincerely
Chairman, New Zealand Republic