Media Release: New Zealand Republic acknowledges huge contribution of Keith Locke

21 June 2024

“New Zealand Republic acknowledges the huge contribution of former MP Keith Locke to the republic debate, we were saddened to hear of his passing earlier today” said Lewis Holden, Campaign Chair of New Zealand Republic, Kia Mana Motuhake a Aotearoa.

“Keith’s contribution to the republic debate was huge. Keith’s advocacy of his Head of State Referenda Bill brought the republic issue to the forefront of public discussion and set the tone of the debate. Keith was staunch in his belief that the issue should go to a referendum for the New Zealand public to have their say.”

“Whatever your political views, there’s no doubt that Keith made a huge contribution to public life in New Zealand. In the republic debate, Keith will be remembered for his consistent, clear advocacy on an issue he strongly believed in. Rest in Peace, Keith” concluded Mr Holden.


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