Media Release: Change of leader at republic campaign

26 August 2024 - Change of Leader at Republic Campaign

New Zealand Republic have elected a union leader as their new campaign chair at the organisations Annual General Meeting in Auckland.

Former campaign chair Lewis Holden, a National Party member who stood against Chris Hipkins in the Remutaka electorate in 2014 stepped down from the role after 6 years, having also previously been campaign chair from 2006 to 2013.

This is the second time Savage has taken up the reigns as campaign Chair. Savage is a Director of Organising at E tū Union. Savage comments. "I am a proud trade unionist but in our Head of State campaign we all work together regardless of what our views on other issues are. We all know it is necessary and better for New Zealand to have a democratic constitutional Head of State.

Departing Chair Lewis commented “I’ve enjoyed my time as head of the campaign. We’ve made great progress with improving fundraising, advertising and polling, but work commitments mean I need to step back. The campaign for a New Zealand republic is in a good place - we have a clear plan for how a New Zealand head of state can be brought about in a democratic way, our polling shows that there is strong support for a referendum on the issue, and it’s clear Kiwis have little interest in Charles or even the monarchy since the Queen passed away.”

Savage concuded "I thank Lewis and the rest of our campaign leadership for their work steering us through the last six years and am happy to have taken up the baton. Lewis remains committed to the cause and we are pleased he will remain as a member of the campaign's executive”


Media contact: Savage 021 620 987