Queen Elizabeth is not a Treaty Partner

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is not an historical agreement between the British and Maori. It is a contemporary agreement between Iwi and all other New Zealanders. Having a New Zealander as Head of State will make this clear and will help all Kiwis to appreciate that the Treaty of Waitangi is something only New Zealanders understand. 

In 1839, the War and Colonial Office of the British Government under Colonial Secretary Lord Normanby and Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, ordered Captain William Hobson, Lieutenant Governor of New South Wales, to arrange a Treaty with Maori so that New Zealand could be incorporated into the British Empire.

The Treaty was necessary because the British had already recognised the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes in 1835. The Treaty was drawn up in the name of Queen Victoria, hastily translated, and on February 6th 1840 it was first signed at Waitangi.  Hobson later travelled around New Zealand signing up more Iwi. Queen Victoria did not sign it of course. She was busy getting ready to marry her cousin Albert, four days later in London.

Nga Puhi kaumatua Kingi Taurua is a descendant of signatories to both the Declaration of Indeopendence and the Treaty. He is also against the TPPA and this week he wrote to each country involved in the agreement and to Queen Elizabeth as "Protector" and "Treaty Partner" asking her to stand in opposition to the TPPA.

It is understandable that Kingi Taurua has made this mistake. The Treaty was signed in the name of Queen Victoria. Elizabeth is her decendant by birth and that symbolises the 176 years that have elapsed since 1840. Unfortunately that symbolism is out of date.

In 1840, Queen Victoria was a 20 year old Monarch under the direction and tutelage of the Prime Minister of the day. She was a symbolic representative of British imperial power. The Treaty was really all about the British Parliament, the British Aristocracy and their designs for New Zealand. Since then, all of the power of 'The Crown' as Treaty partner has shifted to the New Zealand Parliament and to New Zealand courts, and it has been New Zealanders who have done the hard yards to settle disputes and make amends for past injustices. The Treaty belongs to all New Zealanders and it is time this was made clear.

Our Head of State arrangements are out of date and this becomes very apparent every time someone writes to the Queen asking her to stop Parliament from passing legislation. All of the Monarch's powers are vested in the New Zealand Governor-General and the Governor-General acts on the advice of the Cabinet. So long as party or a coalition has a majority in the house they are entitled to sign such agreements. That is how our democracy works.

TPPA opponents presented a petition at Government House asking Sir Jerry Mateparae to refuse assent to the TPPA legislation and they will no doubt do it again when his successor is on office. They know such petitions do not succeed.  Their act is symbolic and expresses their concern over the possible loss of sovereignty.  It creates publicity and signals to the public that there is an issue to be discussed. If they want a Head of State with the discretion to refuse legislation then they will need to campaign for that and specify under what criteria that would ever occur.

It is at times like this, on Waitangi Day, when issues like the TPPA are a topic for intense protest and debate, that it becomes ever more obvious that we need to clarify who our Head of State is and what their powers are. The best way to do that is appoint a Head of State Commission and make plans to transition to a Kiwi Head of State.

We are looking forward to the day when New Zealand's first democratic Head of State, appointed by merit, and representative of all New Zealanders, will be welcomed at Waitangi in celebration of our history and our journey together as a nation. New Zealanders deserve to have a New Zealander as Head of State. Kia mana motuhake o Aotearoa.




Start planning for a Kiwi Head of State now

In Australia, the debate between Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnball is not whether to become a republic it is when to make the change. It is a common debate among Head of State campaigners here as well. Some say wait until Queen Elizabeth's reign ends. Others say move ahead now.

Our position is very clear. New Zealand deserves a better Head of State and there is no reason to wait. Our campaign for change is not based on the personality of the Monarch. New Zealand's Head of State needs to be a New Zealander.

We do not advocate acting in haste. It is going to take several years to make careful plans hold referendums, and transition the office of Governor-General. As the flag process demonstrates, there is nothing to be gained from rushing the process forward.  

Waiting for someone to die or become infirmed is no way to choose our next Head of State and it is not the best way to enact important constitutional reform. Far better to just move ahead and make the change when New Zealanders are ready to do so. Whoever is on the throne at the time is welcome to visit and be part of the hand-over ceremony.

The British royal family hold power because their inherited it. None of them were appointed because of merit and the whole hereditary, aristocratic way in which they operate is antithetical to the core values of New Zealand society. It is up to voters in the UK to decide whether they want to keep the Monarchy. Here in New Zealand we know there is a better and fairer way to appoint our Head of State.  Kia mana motuhake a Aotearoa.     


The flag debate will be over and the decision will be made. The Prime Minister will appoint a new Governor-General, yet more 'royal honours' will be given out and Prince Charles will come under more pressure in the UK to explain his political lobbying. Taxpayers will have to subsidise another royal publicity tour and through-out it all we will carry on campaigning for an independent Head of State and a republic all New Zealanders can be proud of.

New Zealanders deserve the best and as an organisation we are determined to deliver to the best of our ability. Happy New Year everyone Join us in making 2016 a year to remember. 

Union Jack or Silver Fern?

That is the decision facing voters. A flag with the Union Jack and a stylised southern cross or a flag with a stylised silver fern and southern cross. 

The focus of the debate will inevitably fall on our links to the UK but it is important that the debate doesn't degenerate into a slanging match about Britain. Changing the flag is not about being anti-British. It is a debate about New Zealand's independence. About our place in the world.

Supporters of flag change believe, on principle, that no other country's flag should appear on New Zealand's flag. They believe New Zealand is an independent South Pacific country and that our flag should celebrate New Zealand's unique identity.

Whether the winning flag has enough support remains to be seen but as Kiwis debate the pros and cons of change it is important to keep the standard of debate high. This is not some party political issue. It is a cross party issue and people need to step away from their party allegiances. We also need to remember that political and cultural debates work best when everyone involved avoids personal insults and silly generalisations.

New Zealand's current links with the UK will not be affected by changing the flag. Family and friends will remain, trade will continue, military and diplomatic links will carry on. British art and culture will still be a big influence on ours and we will still have a British Head of State.

Neither will retaining the current flag remove the need for New Zealand to have it's own Head of State. That necessity will remain no matter what the result.  

First Flag Referendum

New Zealand needs to have a New Zealand Head of State. It also needs a flag that better represents contemporary New Zealand and which will carry on representing New Zealand for at least the next 100 years.

It is not as important which of these changes happens first but it is a simple fact that only a New Zealander as Head of State will make us constitutionally independent. Removing the British flag from ours will not remove the need to change the way we appoint our Head of State.  

New Zealand Republic's priority is, and always will be, achieving an independent and democratically selected Head of State that serves the interests of all New Zealanders. Once that important change is in place then the issues associated with it can be updated and resolved as and when it is necessary to do so.

We are proposing a Head of State Commission be established to guide the process of change. A fair and independent body that will work outside of party politics to make recommendations on how best to enact the necessary legislative changes and how to deal with all the smaller incidental issues like whose head appears on our coins and whether Queen's or King's Service medals are still awarded.

It is up to New Zealanders to decide whether New Zealand gets a new flag next year. If it happens then that is one less thing to change once we have a Kiwi Head of State. If the current flag remains in place then the flag design will simply be revisited after we have achieved a New Zealand republic. 

Many have argued that we should only change the flag as a symbol of New Zealand once there is a substantial change in our national identity. Having our own Head of State won't radically alter New Zealand society but constitutionally it will represent the final step to full constitutional indendence. At that point in time it will make sense to have a flag that reflects our new found sense of pride and nationhood.   

Foreign dignitaries should be welcomed by a Kiwi Head of State

Prince Charles, the future British Head of State arrives today for another six-day whistle-stop tour of New Zealand. He will be greeted by the Head of Government John Key and by the Mayor of Wellington Celia Wade-Brown. He will then go to Government House for an official powhiri.

It would be better if we had an independent New Zealand Head of State who could welcome all visiting dignatories. At present the role is carried out by the Governor-General. Whenever British dignitaries arrive they are greeted by a representative of their own Head of State. When members of the British royal family arrive it is assumed they outrank our Governor-General. That has to change.

New Zealand's connections with the UK are important. Our Head of State should stand side by side with the British Head of State as equal and sovereign representatives.

We need to take what we already have - a New Zealander as Governor-General - and make it better. Sir Jerry Mateparae is our 10th Kiwi born Governor-General. We've had fifty years of New Zealand Governors-General so it is relatively straight-forward for us to make the transition to our own Head of State. All the basic protocols and coventions are largely in place.   

Becoming a republic would help to modernise our diplomatic relationship with the UK. Members of the British royal family would still visit as part of reciprocal visits between New Zealand and the UK. Future visits would be more productive instead of just being PR and marketing opportunities. 

The current visits are popular with royal watchers but they don't do much for the rest of New Zealand.

Our relationship with the UK is important. Time to recognise that and welcome important British visitors by taking the time to talk with them about things that matter instead of another round of photo opportunities.