MEDIA RELEASE: Matariki holiday promise welcomed

MEDIA RELEASE: Matariki holiday promise welcomed

“New Zealand Republic welcomes Labour’s policy of introducing a new public holiday to mark Matariki, Māori New Year from 2022” said Lewis Holden, campaign chair of New Zealand Republic.

Labour has promised to introduce the holiday by 2022 to give businesses time to prepare for the additional public holiday. New Zealand Republic and ActionStation ran petitions for a Matariki holiday to be created, which were presented to parliament earlier this year.

“We welcome the acknowledgement of a distinctly New Zealand holiday and our unique national identity. As we move towards an independent head of state. New Zealand Republic would like to see anachronistic holidays replaced as part of that process, especially Queen’s Birthday, which is an irrelevance.”

”I would like to thank everyone who signed our petition and ActionStation’s petition” concluded Mr Holden.


Media contact: Lewis Holden, phone: 09 889 8426